简介:An adaptation of an H E Bates story, set in an isolated Wiltshire farm in 1942. With her husband a prisoner of war, a lonely wife (Jackson) strikes up an intimate relationship with a young soldier (Deacon), a farmer's boy who hates the army. When he
简介:Russian nuclear physicist turned political dissident Andrei Sakharov, whose outspoken views on human rights oppression in his homeland brought him not only the Nobel Peace Prize, but also internal exile in the closed-to-foreigners city of Gorky, was the t
简介:In 1727, an Arab colt is born with the signs of the wheat ear and the white spot on his heel: evil and good. And thus begins the life of Sham. He is a gift to the King of France, through a series of adventures with his faithful stable boy, Agba, he become
简介:This is an insane and fast-paced romantic comedy about a bizarre dinner date among Bruce (Goldblum) and Prudence (Hagerty), and their lunatic therapists, and Bruce's jealous, gun-wielding homosexual lover Stuart, and Stuart's over-protective mot