简介:一面以光鲜的富豪公子哥面目示人,一面又披上蝙蝠侠的斗篷主持正义,布鲁斯·韦恩(杰森·奥玛拉 Jason O'Mara 配音)在光明和黑暗的道路上孤独奔走。为了防止“刺客联盟”的后代达米安(斯图尔特·艾伦 Stuart Allan 配音)走上歪路,他对达米安进行着艰苦而严格的训练。直到追查变态狂魔Dollmaker的过程中,这个恶棍被猫头鹰Talon(杰瑞米·西斯托 Jeremy Sisto 配音)杀害,蝙蝠侠却一度认为罗宾下此毒手,这令达米安心中的不满和愤懑与日俱增。随着时间的流逝,布鲁斯和达米
简介:Returning from vacation, the Miller family find their home has been broken into. After cleaning up the mess they continue with their lives, shaking off the feeling of being violated. But little do they know the nightmare has just begun.
简介:故事发生在印度孟买,六年前,从事贸易工作的迈克(杰瑞米·西斯托 Jeremy Sisto)突然得知妻子玛丽娅(莎拉·韦恩·卡丽丝 Sarah Wayne Callies 饰)怀孕的消息。在人生最幸福的时刻,他决定定居印度,婚后不久儿子奥利弗(洛根·克里伦 Logan Creran 饰)和女儿露西(索菲亚·罗新斯基 Sofia Rosinsky 饰)接连降生。但是一次意外车祸让玛丽娅不得不在两个孩子之间做出抉择,她也由此痛失爱子。此后的岁月里,玛丽娅始终沉浸在深深的自责之中无法自拔,绝望促使她饮药自尽。从昏
简介:Reluctantly Bill agrees to spend a weekend on his brother-in-law's boat in the Bahamas. But he and his wife are not the only invited passengers, and instead of a few relaxing days at sea Bill experiences something that shakes his whole existence.