简介:After losing her job at an insurance company, Stella Williams wakes up in a hotel handcuffed to sexy firefighter Owen Michaels. Messages they left themselves the night before reveal that their lives are in danger. While on the run, flashbacks help Stella
简介:Tucker and Becca are close friends. So close that they live next door to one another with facing second story windows and share a birthday. Tucker is at times an absent minded goof-off while Becca tends to be opinated and in a hurry to grow up. Now in mid
简介:《谋杀》第二次假死了。Netflix宣布预定《谋杀》第四季暨完结季,以限定剧集形式播映。该剧于2011年由福斯电视工作室(Fox TV Studios)制作,AMC播映。基调哀肃的《谋杀》由米瑞伊诺斯(Mireille Enos)、乔尔金纳曼(Joel Kinnaman)联袂主演,讲述了两位西雅图警探卷入谋杀案件的故事。该剧翻拍自丹麦影集《谋杀拼图》(Forbrydelsen)。魏娜.莎德将回归继续担纲制作人。2012年,《谋杀》在播映完第二季后被AMC砍掉。不过,在Netflix与AMC就该剧第三季
简介:The gathering, before the San Diego Comicon of 2012, of several members of the original cast of 'Firefly.' Several cast members not present are interviewed and added to the presentation.Jeff Jensen moderates a roundtable discussion of the short