简介:Lorelai and Rory return from their summer vacation. Luke's summer cruise with Nicole had unexpected results. Sookie is almost ready to have her baby.
简介:饱受癌症折磨,“竖锯”约翰·克莱默(Tobin Bell 饰)油尽灯灭。然而他所创造的“拼图杀人案”却并未就此停止,反而愈演愈烈。警官马克·霍夫曼(Costas Mandylor 饰)曾假借“竖锯”之名向残害他家人的凶手复仇,但他很快成为约翰的猎物。经过一波三折,霍夫曼成为“拼图杀人案”的接班人,只是约翰警世救人的初衷被彻底抛却,取而代之的无休止的血腥杀戮。一场毫无胜算的五人逃生游戏在霍夫曼德主持下展开。
简介:Hired from an elite military unit, CIA officer Mike Cutler carries out a dangerous mission to track and trace Al Qaeda leaders, only to find himself trapped in an unprecedented political standoff.
简介:Reeling from the death of her famous father, filmmaker Samantha Trassler (Diane Marshall-Green) falls down the rabbit hole of PK (Chad Michael Murray), a charismatic homeless man who becomes the subject of her latest documentary. She is at loose ends unti