简介:几千年来,英国以其顽强老辣的民族性完成了那些震撼世界的社会变革,显示了不屈的民族气质。这种独特的民族气质自非一蹴而就,到底中间经历了怎样的过程呢?由BBC出品的纪录大片《大英帝国两千年》以再现的手法,还原了从反抗罗马帝国统治,到一战之前近两千年中,发生的众多历史事件,如光荣革命催生君主立宪,工业革命的诞生。一个个影响历史进程的关键人物出场都将由我们所熟知的明星嘉宾来为您披露那些不为人知的大英秘史,片中有第79界奥斯卡影后海伦.米伦将为您讲述盎格鲁萨克孙人反抗罗马帝国统治的故事;还有美剧《Lies To M
简介:Lynley investigates the death of Nicola Maiden and Gerry Cole who were beaten to death while out camping. Nicola's father Andy Maiden is a retired police officer but neither of her parents know, or will admit to knowing, who Cole is and thought she w
简介:March/April 1917. The first world war is already a couple year topace. A sealed train with Russian emigrants keeps on driving fromZurich Germany and Sweden to Saint-Petersburg. The outlaws stand underthe guidance of Vladimir J. Lenin. Two senior office
简介:Six couples arrive at out of term Chaucer College for a quiz weekend with a five grand prize. One of the contestants,womanizing know-all Ethan Croft,is murdered and another,Robyn Strong, is an old flame of his, disappointed he failed to recognize her. Eth