简介:The story of Ludwik; growing up during the Second World War and following years. A battle for his soul ensues between biology and politics, nature and customs, the need for freedom and the oppression of Communism.The latest movie by Janusz Majewski (Zakl
简介:CBS在新喜剧上表现无力下把歪脑筋动到《生活大爆炸 The Big Bang Theory》的Sheldon身上,早前他们宣布开发《生活大爆炸》衍生前传剧,現CBS确定预订命名为《小谢尔顿 Young Sheldon》的衍生剧,顾名思义就是以Sheldon Cooper 为主角。该剧定于17-18年度播出。这部喜剧主角不是Sheldon成年版,而是以他9岁时为背景,剧集也会以《马尔柯姆的一家 Malcolm in the Middle》的单镜头家庭喜剧方式制作,讲述Sheldon当年在德州东部的家庭及学