简介:Following the Second World War, a northern cannery combine negotiates for the purchase of a large tract of uncultivated Georgia farmland. The major portion of the land is owned by Julie Ann Warren and has already been optioned by her unscrupulous, draft d
简介:1970年1月占士美臣(James Mason) 來香港取景拍攝電影 《雙面人顧先生》 The Yin and the Yang of Mr. Go (aka The Third Eye) ,邀請導演胡金銓客串飾演日本商人一角,片酬高達十六萬港元,打破港台兩地演員片酬紀錄,無人可望其项背。此外,占士美臣(James Mason)、保格斯米利迪夫(Burgess Meredith)和年輕的傑夫布里吉(Jeff Bridges),穿起唐裝做戲,一貫的荷李活式東方情調了。