简介:美国芝加哥的午夜,杀人犯雷在警探迈克(克里斯·萨兰登 Chris Sarandon )的追捕中身负枪伤,仓皇逃入了一家玩具店,走投无路下,雷念起咒语,将灵魂转移到了一个玩具公仔身上。在商场做售货员的单身母亲凯伦(凯瑟琳·海克丝 Catherine Hicks 饰)为儿子安迪(艾力克斯·文森特 Alex Vincent 饰)的生日礼物发愁,当她看到流浪汉出售的便宜公仔时,兴冲冲的买下了。而这个安迪渴望的礼物,实际正是那只收纳了杀人犯雷的灵魂的公仔。自称“楚其”的公仔在无人时便开口和安迪对话,并杀死了安迪的阿
简介:Divorced mom Tracy Cross raises her 12-year-old son, Christopher, in Key West in 1969 around the time of the Apollo 11 moon landing. A waitress, she becomes a stripper to support herself and Chris.The film includes a scene where fourteen-year-old actor Da
简介:After college graduation, Heck Prigusivac heads home to New Pristina, Montana, to get a few things before driving to Seattle to teach Latin. His mother's alcoholism (she needs care Heck can't afford) and his gene pool get in the way: Heck's
简介:一场谋杀案使银行家安迪(蒂姆•罗宾斯 Tim Robbins 饰)蒙冤入狱,谋杀妻子及其情人的指控将囚禁他终生。在肖申克监狱的首次现身就让监狱“大哥”瑞德(摩根•弗里曼 Morgan Freeman 饰)对他另眼相看。瑞德帮助他搞到一把石锤和一幅女明星海报,两人渐成患难 之交。很快,安迪在监狱里大显其才,担当监狱图书管理员,并利用自己的金融知识帮助监狱官避税,引起了典狱长的注意,被招致麾下帮助典狱长洗黑钱。偶然一次,他得知一名新入狱的小偷能够作证帮他洗脱谋杀罪。燃起一丝希望的安迪找到了典狱长,希望他能帮自
简介:Henry has wondered into a small town looking for work and a place to stay. He gets a job delivering and cleaning porto-potties and moves in with a co-worker until he gets his feet off the ground. Henry and his new friend soon start to kill.