简介:This is a musical-comedy movie produced and directed by Lewis Gilbert, starring Liza Minnelli, written by Richard Harris, and based on a play also written by Harris. Minnelli plays the role of a has-been Broadway performer who molikan.com gives tap lesson
简介:汉塞尔(约翰·卡梅隆·米切尔 John Cameron Mitchell 饰)从小就被摇滚乐吸引,希望以后能够成为一名摇滚乐歌手,某日,他遇见了美国大兵卢瑟(毛里斯·迪恩·温特 Maurice Dean Wint 饰),卢瑟答应带他去美国,但前提是汉塞尔必须和他结婚。为了追寻自己的梦想,汉塞尔毅然进行了变性手术,虽然手术给他带来了永久的创伤,但汉塞尔总算踏上了美国的土地。两年之后,卢瑟抛弃了汉塞尔,在这片举目无亲的土地上,汉塞尔顽强的生存着。他为自己找了一份看护的工作,还成立了名为“The Angry
简介:Boris and Natasha is a 1992 comedy film that was loosely based on the animated television series The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show. It was shot in New York City. The actors did not attempt to copy the accents of their animated counterparts, and although Rocky
主演:泰勒·莱普利 梅根·古德 格蕾丝·拜尔斯 Shoniqua Shandai Jerrie Johnson Juani Feliz Jonathan Burke Kadeem Ali Harris Erika Henningsen Warner Miller Christine Jones Ariana Jalia Nneka Okafor Ryan Love 乌比·戈德堡 安德列·马丁 罗伯特·理查德 杰斯米·盖 沙利文·琼斯 卡罗琳·休伊特
简介:A group of four friends follow their dreams after graduating from college together.
简介:演员Ben Glenroy(保罗·路德 Paul Rudd 饰)令人震惊地去世后,Charles(史蒂夫·马丁 Steve Martin 饰)、Oliver(马丁·肖特 Martin Short 饰)和Mabel(赛琳娜·戈麦斯 Selena Gomez 饰)开始调查这起发生在Oliver负责的百老汇节目幕后的悲剧。 在节目联合主演Loretta Durkin(梅丽尔·斯特里普 Meryl Streep 饰)的帮助下,三人组发现这起案件比Arconia的谋杀案更难侦破,但仍然乐观地认为,他们会找到谁杀死了
主演:詹姆斯·乌尔班尼亚克 安德列·马丁 加布蕾·丝迪贝 内森·科德里 比利·艾希纳 科尔·埃斯科拉 Robert Cuthill 特雷西·齐默 罗莎娜·斯科托
简介:Life is really tough for Julie and Billy, two 30-something aspiring comics living and working in New York City. While their friends and acquaintances move on to find success and love, they continue to struggle with careers and relationships, getting more