简介:改编自巴西批判现实主义小说家拉莫斯的名著,由新浪潮导演Leon Hirszman执导,是70年代巴西新电影运动中最激进的作品之一,但无疑也是一部难得的杰作。影片获柏林电影节新电影论坛国际奖及多项巴西国家电影奖。Hirszman拍完此片后被迫流亡智利。The most provocative Novo film of the 1970s, São Bernardo (1972), directed by Leon Hirszman (who died of AIDS at 49, in 1987), is
主演:安东尼奥·法古德斯 马尔库斯·帕尔梅拉 André Ricardo 莱蒂西亚·斯皮勒 安娜·贝琪兹·诺奎拉 若泽·威尔克 玛丽埃塔·塞韦罗 奥顿·巴斯托斯 Emílio de Melo 安托尼欧·皮唐卡 Ilya São Paulo Marcelo Tas Paulo Moura Lucinha Lins 安托尼奥·阿布让拉 索朗热·克托 Castrinho 奥古斯托·马德拉 米尔顿·哥恩卡维斯
主演:薇拉·费希尔 塔尔西斯欧·梅拉 圭列尔迈·方起司 Anna de Aguiar Edgar Amorim Hélio Ary Gilmar Baltazar Isaac Bardavid Plínio Barreto 奥顿·巴斯托斯 Camilo Beviláqua Wesley Bezerra Gabriela Bicalho 法布里西奥·比塔尔 Roque Bittencourt
简介:In the beginning of the 20th Century, Ana, Brazilian writer Euclides da Cunha's wife, meets Dilermando de Assis, a much younger officer, and they fall in love. A tragedy ensues.
主演:Joffre Soares 奥顿·巴斯托斯 Rafael de Carvalho 鲁道夫·阿瑞纳 安吉拉·利奥 Fernando Peixoto Procópio Mariano Alberto Solha Mary Neubauer Vicentina Amaral Marcelo Malta José Cavalcanti Silvana Ari Severo Antonio Albuquerque
简介:In 1910, in the State of Paraíba, Brazil, a man is expelled from his own land by the ruthless colonel who owns the sugar mill. He asks some outlaws to help him retrieve his land.