简介:1914年夏天,伦敦一所单身公寓。芭蕾舞女演员塞瑞拉·安布罗斯(克莱尔·布鲁姆 Claire Bloom饰)在自己的房间里,打开煤气企图自杀。万幸的是,喝得醉醺醺,刚回家的邻居卡尔费罗(查理·卓别林 Charles Chaplin饰)正好救了她。等赛瑞拉苏醒以后,卡尔费罗才得知她是因为患了风湿不能再跳舞,才产生轻生的念头。而卡尔费罗曾经是一名伟大的喜剧演员。他悉心的照料着赛瑞拉,并用自己的滑稽喜剧打消了她自杀的想法。六个月后,赛瑞拉重新成功的站了起来,并在一出芭蕾剧中担当重要角色。可赛瑞拉却与一名作曲家陷
主演:沃纳·巴克斯特 玛吉·伊万斯 詹姆斯·杜恩 Sylvia Froos 约翰·博尔斯 阿瑟·拜伦 秀兰·邓波儿 拉尔夫·摩根 Tess Gardella Frank Mitchell Jack Durant 迪克·福伦 奈杰尔·布鲁斯 John Skins Miller 斯特平·费奇特
简介:President Franklin Roosevelt appoints a theatrical producer as the new Secretary of Amusement in order to cheer up an American public still suffering through the Depression. The new secretary soon runs afoul of political lobbyists out to destroy his depar
简介:Highly fictionalized early history of Canada. Trapper/explorer Radisson imagines an empire around Hudson's Bay. He befriends the Indians, fights the French, and convinces King Charles II to sponsor an expedition of conquest.
简介:To try and kick-start her show-business career, our heroine admits to a Chicago murder. But although Cook County don't seem to let dames swing, and even with top slippery lawyer Billy Flynn, it's all something of a gamble.
简介:Major Vickers is an officer at the 27th Lancers in India 1856. When the regiment is on maneuver, the barracks are attacked by Surat Khan and his soldiers who massacre British women and children. This leaves an inextinguishable memory and Vickers promises
简介:英俊帅气的约翰尼·依斯咖斯(加里·格兰特 Cary Grant)在火车上邂逅羞涩美丽的女孩丽娜·艾美斯莱德劳(琼·芳登 Joan Fontaine饰)。单纯善良的丽娜很快就被这位外表充满魅力的男人所吸引,却不知道约翰尼实际上是一位嗜赌如命的瘾君子。当得知丽娜是一位拥有大量财富的千金小姐后,约翰尼更是使尽浑身解数去追求她。很快,两人结婚。然而就在两人的蜜月期间,丽娜发现了约翰尼很多可疑之处,她开始害怕丈夫为谋取财产而杀害她。面对居心叵测的约翰尼,终日惴惴不安的丽娜害怕自己就是下一个受害者。