简介:“我每天午夜的就餐者是漫长一天的结束,也是新一天的开始。”——吉姆《月光鸡饭》讲述了一个以卖海南鸡饭为生的普通小伙吉姆,在自己的餐车里遇到了醉酒的顾客文的故事。把他们两个带到一起的那个晚上,创造了一种难以理解的感觉。尽管文是一个被绑架的人,但两人都无法停止对彼此的思念。之后他们生活中的一切都不一样了。"My diner at midnight every day is the end of a long day, but also the start of a new day."
简介:Mew, Ray, and Boston—a group of business students running a hostel together—blur the lines between friendship and romance.三位合伙经营旅社的商科学生Mew、Ray和Boston,模糊了友谊和爱情之间的界限。Mew has been focusing on his studies, setting aside no time for sex and relationships. Up
简介:Safe House follows the lives of eight GMMTV artists morning to night as they live under one roof and compete to win a grand prize.Safe House跟随着8个来自GMMTV的年轻艺人,通过在同一屋檐下从早到晚的直播,他们将一起角逐最后的大奖~9月13日起泰国时间每日早8点到9点,午后12点到14点,晚上18点到凌晨,请在GMMTV的YouTube频道和Facebook主页