简介:A funny and irresistible story of a young girl who literally cannot see or hear her mother, even though she is living with her under the same roof. With the help of an eccentric psychiatrist, and a local, accidental hero, our heroine has to grow up, but f
主演:卡特莉娜·林克 Mimi Lieber Max Gordon Moore Adina Verson Richard Topol
简介:曾凭借《那年我学开车》(How I learned to drive)获得普利策奖的女剧作家宝拉•沃格尔(Paula Vogel)再接再厉,献上新作《有伤风化》(Indecent)。该剧在外百老汇收获无数好评后转到百老汇上演并几度加演,在柯尔特剧院连续演出128场,这也是65岁的沃格尔等待已久的百老汇首演。重返历史上一部与百老汇产生道德交锋的剧作,一部不会因为不公审判而消失的剧作,《有伤风化》的灵感来源于1923年《复仇之神》(God of Vengeance)在百老汇上演前后的真实故事,讲述了在艺术、