简介:Bertolt Brecht, a theatre revolutionary, poet of the state, outsider, looks back on his life in 1956, the year of his death, in East Berlin: from provocations in the Augsburg of the First World War, to the early poetic and amorous height flights in Munich
主演:Tom Vermeir 劳拉·德波尔 Neathan van der Gronden 特蕾莎·萨班农盖 马蒂金·哈特明克 佩吉·弗莱延斯 约翰·海尔登贝格 Rafi Albers 汉·凯尔科夫斯 Romana Vrede 克里斯汀·丹克尔斯 吉恩·伯沃依兹 Flor Decleir Joris Smit Bert Luppes
简介:Paul and Anna live an apparently happy and successful life. But when their son inexplicably falls ill, the facade of a seemingly happy family life crumbles completely, like brittle porcelain that can no longer be glued.
简介:已过而立之年的汉娜·梅滕(米娜·唐德 Mina Tander 饰)是一家医院的医生,虽然事业顺利,饮食无忧,且育有一个可爱的女儿莉娅(Lina Köhlert 饰),但是她和丈夫的婚姻已经走入死胡同,身心疲惫不堪。这一晚,汉娜的医院接收一名服用安眠药过量生命垂危的患者,而对方正是汉娜童年时代的好朋友克拉丽莎(Laura de Boer 饰)。好友久别重逢,彼此互相倾诉心底的不快,进而相约暂时抛开现实生活中的一切,启程回到童年时留下无数快乐记忆的海边小岛。一路欢歌,汉娜带着女儿和克拉丽莎抵达目的地,但不知为