简介:In 1925 Damascus Harry Smith runs guns to the rebels under Emir Hassan. The French arrest him along with others and force him to sell weapons to them. He develops an interest in French intelligence officer Feroud's mistress Violette.
简介:威尔斯(亨弗莱·鲍嘉 Humphrey Bogart 饰)是一名正义感十分强烈的体育记者,某日,他接到了上司布置的任务,开始调查拳击联合会老板本科(罗德·斯泰格尔 Rod Steiger 饰)受贿暗中操纵拳赛的黑幕。莫瑞诺(Mike Lane 饰)是一名名不见经传的小拳击手,某日,本科找到了他。在本科的安排之下,莫瑞诺连连获胜,身价节节高升,然而,在一场同世界冠军的比赛之中,本科背叛了莫瑞诺,从莫瑞诺的对手那里赚得盆满钵满。一下子从天堂跌落到了地狱,遭遇了失败的莫瑞诺几乎失去了一切,威尔斯将莫瑞诺的遭遇
简介:Joe Barrett returns to Tokyo after World War II where he once owned a bar, Tokyo Joe's, and deserted his wife Trina. They have a seven-year-old daughter. Kimura forces Joe into piloting war criminals by revealing that during the war Trina made treaso
简介:杰瑞(帕特·奥布莱恩 Pat O'Brien 饰)和洛克(詹姆斯·贾克内 James Cagney 饰)是青梅竹马的好友,从小玩到大的两人之间感情十分要好,遗憾的是,成年之后,个性迥异的两人走上了完全不同的道路。杰瑞成为了一名虔诚的神甫而洛克则加入了黑帮,之后,逐渐话不投机的两人渐行渐远。在复杂凶险的帮派争斗之中,小有名气的洛克成为了同伙陷害的对象,为了保护信赖的朋友,意气用事的洛克犯下了杀人之罪被捉拿归案,等待着他的,将是死刑的判决。在监狱中,洛克和杰瑞重逢了,回顾过往展望未来,两人不胜唏嘘
简介:Union officer Kerry Bradford escapes from Confederate Prison and is set to Virginia City in Nevada. Once there he finds that the former commander of his prison Vance Irby is planning to send $5 million in gold to save the Confederacy.资料引用自:https://www.zhu