简介:The film centers on young Mariah, a little girl who dreams of getting a dog for Christmas year after year. This Christmas her dream is fueled after seeing a puppy named Princess at the local pet store. To see if she's ready for the responsibility, Ma
简介:Crazy Joe perfectly melds two cultural aspects of a fantastic seventies genre, the crime thriller. With a New York location and loads of terrific American character actors in addition to Italian direction, production and veterans of Italian poliziotti, th
简介:在大学期间,斯科特(凯文·詹姆斯 Kevin James 饰)是一名野心勃勃的摔跤选手,对于摔跤的热爱让他的生活充满了挑战和激情,他曾天真的以为,这份激情不可能会有退却的一天。然而,在42岁之际,斯科特突然发现自己竟然成为了一个生活乏善可陈的中年教师,死气沉沉的工作环境,毫无前途和发展刻板职业,在内心里,有一部分早已死去。为了节省开支,学校决定取消音乐课,作为音乐老师,马蒂(亨利·温克勒 Henry Winkler 饰)即将面临被解雇的命运。马蒂的悲惨遭遇点燃了斯科特的斗志,他决定帮朋友一把。通过打地下