简介:The show starts with an episode of 'Starkers and Krutch'. Eric is not happy with the opening set as his name is misspelt. Elton has a lot of trouble getting directions to the correct studio. Angharad Rees is introduced as she is to star in a sce
简介:An impassive young girl is taken from her suicidal London life, back to her home in North England on a bizarre bus trip. Seen through the poetic eye of the camera, this is a commentary of doomed British morbidity. In HD.
简介:SHADES OF GREENE was a wonderful little series based on short stories that Greene had written over the years. Each episode was just over an hour in length, and had such stars as John Guilgud, Leo McKern, Virginia McKenna, Paul Schofield, and Roy Kinnear i
简介:故事发生在第二次世界大战期间,乔治(亚瑟·罗维 Arthur Lowe 饰)是一名银行经理,虽然此时外界已经战火纷飞,但乔治依然在与世隔绝的小镇上过着朝九晚五的日常生活。这一天,乔治刚刚上班没多久,肉店老板琼斯(克莱夫·邓恩 Clive Dunn 饰)就告诉了他一个惊人的消息——军方正在招募地方志愿军,凡是18至65岁的男人都可以前往当地的警察局保民参军。乔治年轻的时候曾经当过兵,如今,可以报效祖国的机会又一次的放在他面前,他怎能错过。乔治立刻放下了手上的一切事情,赶往警察局,等抵达时才发现,警察局已经
简介:弗兰克(理查德·哈里斯 Richard Harris 饰)是一名四肢发达头脑简单的矿工,深深的爱上了名为哈蒙德(雷切尔·罗伯茨 Rachel Roberts 饰)的寡妇。为了哈蒙德夫人,弗兰克加入了橄榄球队,并且在球场上展现出了惊人的天赋,他的老板愿意付给他1000英镑让他继续打球。用这笔钱,弗兰克买了一辆车,带着哈蒙德夫人一家人外出郊游,哪知道头脑一热说错了话,不但让哈蒙德夫人因为想起了亡夫而倍感伤心,还对弗兰克产生了反感,对他避之不及。弗兰克非常的思念哈蒙德夫人,决定去她家找她,然而 抵达后才知道,
简介:London, 1940. Aspiring jazz musician and future comedy legend Terence "Spike" Milligan reluctantly obeys his call-up and joins the Royal Artillery regiment at Bexhill, where he begins training to take part in the War. But along the way Spike and