简介:Total Drama Action is a Canadian animated television series. It is the second season of the Total Drama series, which began with Total Drama Island. The show premiered in Teletoon at 6:30 pm ET/PT on January 11, 2009. This series was also created by the m
主演:Christian Potenza Clé Bennett 斯科特·麦克科德 梅根·法伦布克 蕾切尔·威尔森 德鲁·尼尔森 Novie Edwards 丹·皮特隆杰维奇 Katie Crown Stephanie Anne Mills Kristin Fairlie Julie Chantrey Brian Froud Emilie-Claire Barlow Lauren Lipson 莎拉·加顿 Peter Oldring 亚当·格雷顿·里德 Carter Hayden
简介:Total Drama Island (sometimes shortened to TDI) is a Canadian animated television series which premiered in Canada on Teletoon on July 8, 2007 and on June 5, 2008 in the U.S. on Cartoon Network. This is the first season of the Total Drama series and has 2
简介:Character-driven drama, 19-2 revolves around the day-to-day life of two unwilling partners of the Montreal Police Department, Officers Nick Barron and Ben Chartier. These two beat cops patrol the urban sprawl of downtown's 19th district, in cruiser N
简介:莎朗(詹妮弗·洛佩兹 Jennifer Lopez 饰)是一位精明强干的女警,被安排到了犯罪率最高的芝加哥南部地区,在那里行使她惩奸除恶弘扬正义的责任和权利。虽然莎朗在事业上干得十分出色,深受上司和同事们的信任和赏识,但她和家人之间的关系却十分淡漠。更糟糕的是,曾经的一 段痛苦的回忆一直笼罩着莎朗,令她时时陷入绝望之中。凯奇(吉姆·卡维泽 Jim Caviezel 饰)是一个游荡在城市街头的失意人,他关照陌生人和邻居,在一次警匪追逐中意外救下莎朗,两人由此相识。然而,过去的一场灾难让他失去了妻子和女儿,
主演:特洛伊·格雷提 李·佩斯 安德鲁·布劳尔 肖恩·海托西 默温·蒙德瑟 丹·皮特隆杰维奇 迈克·瑞巴 珍妮·卡列雅 巴克莱·霍普 文斯·科拉萨 凯瑟琳·泽纳 Paul Mota
简介:年轻英俊的美国大兵巴利(特罗伊·加里蒂 Troy Garity 饰)在脱衣舞俱乐部遇到美艳舞者,同伴怂恿巴利搭讪看是男是女。巴利很绅士的和对方攀谈,同时没有把战友的下流赌注讲出来,从而赢得这位叫亚当斯(李·佩斯 Lee Pace 饰)的变性舞者好感。一见倾心的两人开始交往,他们感到很幸福。巴利的室友费希尔(肖恩·海托西 Shawn Hatosy 饰)十分嫉妒,不断挑衅生事,并最终唆使新兵用球棒残忍结束了巴利22岁的生命。7月4日是美国国庆日,亚当斯正在庆典晚会上大放异彩,而在异地的寓所巴利已倒在血泊中。当
简介:在第五部中参加裸奔大会的艾瑞克(John White 饰)如愿升入德维特所在的大学了,但他却因被女友甩掉而情绪低落,老爸甚至不惜拿出自己年轻时的“桃色名单”来为他打气。男女共用卫生间的大学生活果然疯狂,更有德维特领导的“贝塔”兄弟社定期举办狂欢派对,艾瑞克的压抑得到了缓解。然而贝塔兄弟社正面临一群校中精英人物创办的“GEK”兄弟会的冲击,而且艾瑞克等人还要准备加入贝塔所经历的五十个挑战。在艾瑞克埋头做任务的同时,贝塔与GEK的矛盾不断升级,最后发展到要用被学校禁止长达四十年的“古希腊运动会”决一胜负,这是
简介:Character-driven drama, 19-2 revolves around the day-to-day life of two unwilling partners of the Montreal Police Department, Officers Nick Barron and Ben Chartier. These two beat cops patrol the urban sprawl of downtown's 19th district, in cruiser N
主演:Alex House 玛吉·卡斯特 Bill Turnbull 梅兰妮·利什曼 Chris Leavins 丹·皮特隆杰维奇 诺曼·杨 Stephen Arbuckle Brodie Sanderson
简介:The animated conclusion to the live action Todd and The Book Of Pure Evil Show. Todd tries to mend his friendship with Curtis after killing his girlfriend. The book has returned along with Hannah and there is talk of a new Pure Evil one.