简介:一次偶然中,希拉里(朱莉娅·罗伯茨 Julia Roberts 饰)得到了一份看护的工作,她所要看护的对象是一位名叫维克托(坎贝尔·斯科特 Campbell Scott 饰)的百万富翁。维克托患上了白血病,需要接受化疗,在希拉里的精心看护下,他的病情渐渐好转,两人之间亦产生了深厚的感情。一日,维克托突然将希拉里带到了位于海边的小镇上,两人在那里度过一段幸福而温馨的时光。好景不长,卷土重来的病痛让维克托陷入了痛苦中,而他为了隐瞒病情竟然开始偷偷注射吗啡止痛。希拉里发现了维克托的秘密,伤心的她恳求他继续接受
主演:Aileen Corpos Priscilla Iden Rianna Kristine Kirkham Sylvia Bolster Peter M. Howard Katie Loftin Jessica Lee Golden Will McCann Berna Bazan-Towns Gil Oteen Julie Bryan Lance Eric Russell Michelle Banks Paul Droutsas Ronny Holiday
简介:A group of "wannabe" witches plan to take revenge on a man that did them wrong and do a spell on him. So they seek special items from a powerful witch that runs a local magic shop in town. While they are getting their cards read, a kid named Zak
简介:''MAMMAME,'' which will be seen in its first New York screenings today and tomorrow at Film Forum 2, is the work of Raul Ruiz, the Chilean expatriate film director, and Jean-Claude Gallotta, the French experimentalist choreographer. Mr
简介:This was one of the very first VHS tapes I hunted down. Here we have what I consider the worst film of all time. Not only is it shot on video, but the editing, padding, acting, etc. are absolutely awful. There is no part of this film of any value other th
简介:甲流(H1N1)病毒爆发,致令全世界陷入一片末世的恐慌之中。但在这一巨大灾难面前,人类的丑恶与贪婪愈加彰显无遗。亿万女富豪出资资助格雷夫曼教授(乔·扎索 Joe Zaso 饰)的医学研究小组,要他研究甲流病毒的变种,开发最为强大的病毒。虽多少受着良心上的苛责,但格雷夫曼依然继续他的实验,并且不惜拿活人作观察标本。与此同时,品学兼优、才华横溢的29岁英国生物科学学者马尔科姆·伯尔(杰·戴伊 Jai Day 饰)应聘加入格雷夫曼的小组,毫不知情的他全心投身于甲流疫苗的探索中,却意外制造出了拥有强大杀伤力的甲流