主演:Wallace de Selva Guilherme Sérgio do Nascimento Robinho(罗比尼奥)
简介:对某些人来说,足球的灵魂已经失落。对失败的担忧,使他们对这项美丽运动的梦想蒙上了阴影。但仍然有一个地方,技巧、快乐、感情和荣耀主宰着那里。电影《上帝之城》(Cidade de Deus)的原创人员拍了这一部纪录片,叙述了巴西最美丽的运动。拍摄此部影片:从里约热内卢到圣保罗,又到了亚马逊地带,然后再回到起点。跟随七位年轻的足球运动员以及他们的足球梦。他们的故事充满了希望、生存和灵魂。欢迎来到巴西Joga Bonito
简介:The real star of this very rare italian crime film is Messina and its harbour area. This is very low budget shot in the street by the same director as "reflections in Black". its very brutal and also rather sleazy with several plots,not always c