简介:Anton is alone in a bunker on the front line when the entrance is hit and the bunker collapses. The soldier is trapped. All the initial optimistic efforts to escape the situation are hopeless. Attempts to establish radio communication with the outside wor
简介:截杀南极星号 Under Pressure 史上一桩无头公案「女神雕像」,是人人梦想的无价珍宝。在前往莱斯沃小岛的旅程中,一个全副武装的军队正严密地保护国宝。贝特的潜水艇南极星号暗暗接近,一个受军队保护的国宝──「女神雕像」,他早在军中的安排内奸,以便控制住这艘船。这个「完美计画」的夺宝大行动,却因为工程师杰洛的介入而破坏。在甲板上,杰洛的考古学家妻子希儿无意间发现被士兵藏起来的「女神雕像」。她的发现引燃了大家的动机,一切都失去控制,在一片混乱的情况下,一台装满汽油的卡车在船上被引爆。同时,船撞上爱琴
主演:Michelle Degraye(Carrie) Isaac Miller(Mr.stranger) Ayden Menus(Tony) Jack Gross Grace Smith
简介:小凯瑞的梦里还有陪伴她的最好的伙伴奇怪先生,他们在梦里一起度过了无数快乐的时光。正在经历着和现实社会的融入和接触,离开梦中世界的世界越来越多,小凯瑞该如何面对美好的梦境与现实世界的平衡,能否与奇怪先生一起征服对现实世界的害怕与挫折?该片荣获 2021 国际纽约电影节international New York film festival Award winner 最佳影片; 2021 芝加哥青年电影节 Golden Plume student filmfestival 最佳导演;2021 洛杉矶Los
主演:马苏德·森德贝格鲁 Masud Zendbeglu 迈赫迪·奈吉伊 Mehdi Nekui R·哈希米(R.Hashemi) 巴巴克·卡齐米 Babak Kazemi
简介:A woman orders a suit from a tailor for her young son to wear to her sister's wedding. The tailor's apprentice, together with two other teenage boys who work in the same building, devise a plan to try on the suit at night to see what it feels li
主演:海利·乔·奥斯蒙特 Haley Joel Osment) 斯坦利·库布里克 Stanley Kubrick 裘德·洛 Jude Law
简介:This is a short piece about "Acting A.I." that can be found on the "Artificial Intelligence" DVD. It focusses on the character of "David" from the film, a young robot boy. It contains clips from the film, behind the scenes cl