




  • 主演:未知


RODRIGO ESPINA - ENGLISH VERSIONBorn in Buenos Aires in 1957Studied cinematography with Ricardo Becher, Sim髇 Feldman and Jos� Santiso, scriptwiriting with Alfredo Oroz and Ricardo Monti and actors� direction with Miguel Guerberoff, since the late 1970s and through the �. Prior to that, he studied Journalism at the John Fitzgerald Kennedy University.Espina made his first short in the late � and soon became Director抯 Assistant for a number of advertising companies. Until the mid 1980s he worked with Luis Puenzo, Ricardo Becher, Brian Welsh and Alfredo Stuart. Collaborated with Luis Puenzo in his award winning feature The Official History, as casting (with Ra鷏 Outeda ) and production assistant. And continued making shorts, among which El D韆 que reventaron las l醡paras de Gas (The day gas lamps blew up), with Luca Prodan as lead.Since the late � and through the 1990s, he founded and directed two companies - Casting and Elencos � where he produced and headed the casting for a huge number of TV commercials, more than 2,000 spots for lead products all over the world. He also produced castings for features, Tango Feroz (Wild Tango), among others.In the late 1990s he began making Videoclips, working for a number of local and international artists as producer, director and screen writer. Becomes the exclusive cinematographer for rock band Las Pelotas, winning a number of awards and gold records/disks??.After a long career in audiovisual arts, he settles in Traslasierra, C髍doba, in 1999, and continues working with Video Clips and TV commercials.He is currently writing screenplays, and doing the pre-production stage of 揕UCA�.YOUTUBE片断:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOl6bxFseLM

