《野花的芬芳》是南斯拉夫著名导演卡拉诺维奇的首部长片,他在两年后拍摄了那部被选入南斯拉夫影史十佳的《佩特拉的花圈》(1980)。但真正让其在国际上一鸣惊人的还是这部《野花的芬芳》,故事与后来美国的《ED TV》和《楚门的世界》很相似,也是讽刺媒体对私人生活的侵入。当年此片曾获法国嘎纳国际电影节FIPRESCI奖,而与其并列的正是波兰导演瓦依达的名作《大理石人》。A television actor and his friend, a barge captain, abandon their everyday lives without a thought in this dark comedy. They do not mind that a television news crew is following them. It is with almost a sense of relief that they are overwhelmed by crowds of equally discontented people leaving their lives, who look to the camera crew to swell their numbers as their actions become part of news reports. ~ Clarke Fountain, All Movie GuideSrdjan Karanovic began his career as a director of short films and television programs. In cinema, Karanovic is a prominent member of the"Prague School" of Yugoslav filmmakers; he graduated from the Czech city's prestigious film school FAMU (in Karanovic's case, in the class of 1970). His best-known films include Miris Poljskog Cveca/The Scent of Wild Flowers (1977), Petrijin Venac/Petrija's Wreath (1980), and Jagode u Griu/A Throatful of Strawberries (1985). Also a screenwriter, Karanovic often collaborates with filmmaker Rajko Grlic. ~ Sandra Brennan, All Movie Guide