Forty-year old Janko is released from prison into the care of his half-brother Novak, owner of the Hotel"Titanic" in Skopje. The same day Novak picks up his wife's sister, Zana, from the psychiatric hospital. Since the mental home has begun to serve as a hide-out for war criminals, there is no longer any room for the real patients."KONTAKT" is a laconical comedy from Macedonia that has been awarded on several international film festivals. The Macedonian tragicomedy"KONTAKT" by Sergej Stanojkovski tells of unusual lovers, of two"socially unacceptable" people – Janko, an ex-prisoner, and Zana, whose entire life is thrown off balance – who overcome their differences in post-war Macedonia to find happiness.Based on a screenplay by Gordan Mihic (author of Emri Kusturica's"Black Cat, White Cat") and featuring superstars such as Labina Mitewska ("Welcome to Sarajevo") from Macedonia and Nikola Kojo ("Life is a Miracle") from Serbia, the German-Macedonian director Sergej Stanojkovski shot a parable about the current situation in former Yugoslavia. A blend of comedy and melancholy.