



    • 主演:未知


    纪录短片拍摄下一场金霍兹的前卫装置艺术展上来观看的人的表情和他们的交谈。Edward Kienholz(1927-1994),是美国前卫装置艺术家,波普艺术家。70年代装置艺术开始出现社会意义强烈、政治倾向明显的作品。艺术家批评锋芒,指向社会的弊病。金霍斯(edward kienholz,1927-1994)的装置向人们展示了社会中被忘却的角落。充满了血腥的谋杀、性暴力、死亡,病痛。早在1966年,他的《州立医院》向观众暴露了精神不健全的老年病人在国家医院所受的可怕的待遇。一个垂老的病人裸体被用皮带栓在铁床上,床下是一只肮脏的便盆。这装置在展览期间还酏有人工合成的恶臭。他70年代的装置呈现出近似残酷的冷静,视线转向当代人的孤独。'Kienholz on Exhibit' (1969) 21m, dir. June Steel. Born in 1927 in the border area between Washington and Idaho, Edward Kienholz moved to Los Angeles in 1953, where he began making a series of bas-reliefs with found material. Prior to his death in 1994, he was primarily known for his"Assembly Art" sculptures, consisting of mannequins, stuffed animals, and pieces of clothing, focusing on subjects such as controversial as bordellos, back seat sex, and abortion. Steel's extremely entertaining film consists of audience reactions to a Kienholz exhibit at the LA County Museum of Art, which includes his well-known pieces 'The Birthday', 'Back Seat Dodge', and 'Roxy's'.

