This film made in 1936 shows Margaret Day Lockwood's continuing her development into a British leading lady actress.Made during the latter part of her film apprenticeship, she is teamed up with the great Maurice Chevalier (Paragot) in a musical playing an honest waif (Blanquette), who is looking for work in cabaret.Maurice, a landlord, has to leave his official fiancé, (Joanna Rushworth), played by Betty Stockfeld, because he does not want her fraudulent father to suffer the weight of the law for his embezzlement of £10,000 which a rich businessman will cover as long as Maurice agrees not to see Joanna as he has designs on her himself.Maurice feels he should leave his home in England and go travelling to France together with a talented artistic boy (one of his tenants Asticot), played by Desmond Tester.Along the way they meet the waif Blanquette who is short of money but insists on repaying Maurice's loan of 10 Francs as soon as she is in work.The story is about how you should choose a wife/husband who is naturally suited to you culturally and socially and not for personal aggrandisement or for moneyfrom imdb
演员:加布里埃拉·安德拉达 Alicia Bercán Joel Bosqued Mario Ermito David Solans Alba Ribas Celia Freijeiro Lucas Fuica Iñigo Galiano Fernando Oyagüez Paco Tous
演员:中泽元纪 押田岳 小林亮太 中山优贵 谷水力 荒井启志 奥谷知弘 京山阳春 校條拳太朗 田中柊羽 佐久间あゆみ 福留光帆 中根もにゃ 麻弥 田中沙季 铃木千佳子 芹沢尚哉 大鹤义丹 川上麻衣子