The documentary follows the lives of Russian Civil War emigres of the First Wave. It seeks to disclose their motives for leaving, to reveal their lives beyond the borders of their native land, to explore their contribution to the Russian and world cultures. The authors take an inquisitive look at the lives of White Army generals Vrangel, Denikin.
演员:凯拉·奈特莉 本·卫肖 莎拉·兰卡夏尔 安德鲁·浩二 安德鲁·巴肯 崔茜·尤玛 杰拉德琳·切瓦蕾 芬·贝内特 奥马里·道格拉斯 Taylor Sullivan Charlotte Rice-Foley 山姆·特劳顿 加布瑞拉·克里维 伊莎贝拉·魏 李丹 卢瑟·福特 Molly Chesworth 卡勒姆·科茨 陈太印 阿迪勒·阿赫塔尔
演员:Choi Sang Min Petch Ratana Aiamsaart 纳查侬·甘平 周克·差罗伊穆德特·谭穆玛吾缇 Bom Thunpisit Larpsumritphon Rossi Nonthakorn Chatchue Little Siravit Imsee