墨西哥影史上最经典的儿童片之一,此片在当年引起了轰动,以《小天使》为名被引进到北美和欧洲各国,只有6岁的María Gracia红遍整个中北美洲大陆,被称为墨西哥的“秀兰-邓波儿”,是墨西哥历史上最成功的童星。A Simple Story of Pastoral Beauty and Wonder! Marita (Maria Gracia), a charming little girl, lives in the country with his grandmother. Her best friend is a modest servant, Anselmo (Jorge Martinez de Hoyos), who almost everyday takes the girl to visit the church known as"Guadalupe's Basilica", an important temple in Mexico City, where she discovers Virgin Guadalupe and the legend about her apparitions in that place. Marita doesn't behave properly in school, and her teacher always has a punishment for the girl. She doesn't like school, and she doesn't want to return to school anymore. Besides, Marita's worry about her animals, like a cow, who doesn't produce milk. The girl asks many miracles to Virgin Guadalupe, one of them is not going to school. During a visit to Basilica, Marita hears the Virgin's voice, and this could be the beginning of a responsible life for the girl, like to study and to be a good child.