



    • 主演:月形龙之介中村锦之助大川桥藏中村贺津雄


    LORD MITO KOMON - All-Star VersionMito Komon - 1960 - Color - WidescreenIn 1691 a terrible fire broke out in Denmacho, Yotsuya, burning down the townsaround it, up to the shores of Shibaura. A month and a half later, another firebroke out, this time in Komagome, burning down the two gates of Asakusa andSujikai, and continuing on into the night. As the government Elders considerevidence that these fires were arson, a fire breaks out in Hirakawa-cho, outsideof Hanzo Gate. Nishonmaru catches on fire and burns down completely. Whenthis rash of fires even strikes Kyoto, the task of finding who's behind the arson,and stopping them falls to the Shogun's uncle, the Elder Lord of Mito. Togetherwith his trusted bodyguards, Kaku and Suke, the trio set of to save Japan fromthis scourge of evil. Featuring virtually all of their most famous stars, this is thebest film in the Toei series about Mito Komon, one of Japan's most popularhistorical figures who traveled through the country incognito to check on thepeople and fight injustice. (TV Broadcast quality)Directed by: MATSUDA SadatsuguCast: TSUKIGATA Ryunosuke, AZUMA Chiyonosuke, NAKAMURA Katsuo,NAKAMURA Kinnosuke, OKAWA Hashizo, OTOMO Ryutaro, OKA Satomi,SAKURAMACHI Hiroko, OKAWA Keiko, KATAOKA Chiezo, ICHIKAWA Utaemon


    • 月形龙之介
    • 中村锦之助
    • 大川桥藏
    • 中村贺津雄

