



    • 主演:未知


    The so-called once-Dvinsky North Canal, which connects the river Sukhona from the Volga-Baltic Canal, and thus with the world. For the two characters is their place of work, because they provide a navigation channel, and place their lives - because the river has become their common destiny. The film - a story of love that these old people are carried through his entire life.Boris Dvorkin was born in 1958.He graduated from Leningrad Navy School and worked as a director of the radio station at the fishing boats. Later on the TV companies as a journalist, cameramen and film director.In 2002 graduated Higher Courses For Screen Writers and Film Directors. Workshop of non-fiction film directing. Masters – L.Gurevich, A.Gerasimov.He is working as a director at “Risk” film studio, “Positive-film” studio, studio “Cvart” and other.

