



    • 主演:未知


    Wen has created one of the most inventive and eye catching 3d pieces ever made. This piece can go toe-to-toe with some major motion pictures, real life ones, and make them shake. His ability to capture a believable environment, detailed to the T, rich, bright/dark all at once, is uncanny and hearty. The characters are complex and keenly animated, and the bad robots look like fiercely irate Robotech mechs out for a hit. The level of violence is minimal, practically non-existant, lending even further to the composition's grace and poetry. The story wasn't clear to me right off the bat, even after I saw it twice. This was acceptable to me due to the quality of the viz, but now seems like a smidge of attention should be paid it.If you like sci-fi, if you want to see what's new, what's next - check it out if you can get your mits on it. This cat's got a bright future.

