Mad Mad House is a 2004 reality television series about a group of ten contestants competing for $100,000. The contestants lived together in a house inhabited by another group of people known as the alts (for their alternative lifestyles). The alts voted the contestants off by judging them on their ability to perform"challenges," which were based loosely on the practices of each alt's lifestyle, and their behavior and attitude with the other guests. The show aired on the Sci Fi Channel in the United States and on Space in Canada. Reruns have also been aired on Fox Reality Network.
演员:加布里埃拉·安德拉达 Alicia Bercán Joel Bosqued Mario Ermito David Solans Alba Ribas Celia Freijeiro Lucas Fuica Iñigo Galiano Fernando Oyagüez Paco Tous
演员:中泽元纪 押田岳 小林亮太 中山优贵 谷水力 荒井启志 奥谷知弘 京山阳春 校條拳太朗 田中柊羽 佐久间あゆみ 福留光帆 中根もにゃ 麻弥 田中沙季 铃木千佳子 芹沢尚哉 大鹤义丹 川上麻衣子