The drama follows the American standard operation of 50 minutes per episode to portray the story of a classic historical spy war between two political parties and their anti-Japanese fight turmoil. The strong plot twist and combat scenes are unmatched. 经典谍战CP、风云历史大波澜,强反转情节剧、单集50分钟美剧规格运作,纵穿两党乱局与抗日奇谈,谍战戏码无出其右。
演员:阿努瓦·宗澈德拉塔纳 波莉雀娅·彭娜妮可 提迪瓦·立帕拉赛 皮查亚东·彭潘 柏.措克柴.邦沃拉沵狄 Wit Phutharit Prombandal Best Kroekchai Tapinta Tian Atcharee Buakhiao Ice Preechaya Pongthananikorn Khwan Khwanruedi Klomklom Jubjang Wimolphan Chaleejunghan