



    • 主演:古馆宽治


    田中裕二是一个日本的牧场主,在福岛核事故中他失去了自己的农场和全部的牲畜。为了改变他的生存状况,并重新追寻他长期以来生产美味牛乳的梦想,田中给美国政府制作了一段视频,请求给予他和他的奶牛一个去美国开始新生活的机会。Yuuji Tanaka is a Japanese dairy farmer whose land and animals have been completely ruined by the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Desperate to change his livelihood and resume his long-time dream of making delicious milk, Tanaka makes a video to show to the American government, pleading for a chance for him and his cows to go to the U.S. and start a new life.王岸生于中国北京,他曾在加州的查普曼大学学习电影,并在马萨诸塞州州立大学学习创意写作。他曾做过自由撰稿人和摄影师。《田中的开心农场》是他的首个电影项目。Ian Wang was born in Beijing, China. He studied Film Directing at Chapman University in California, and Creative Writing from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He has worked as a freelance writer and photographer. Tanaka’s Happy Farm is his first film project.

