In the new film TURTLE HILL, BROOKLYN named for the New York neighborhood which provides its setting, a young gay couple prepare for a birthday party that become a night of surprises that will expose unexpected truths about this relationship. TURTLE HILL, BROOKLYN is a funny, sincere, slice of life about a couple just trying to figure it out. Mateo and Will invite their friends over for Will's 30th birthday. After a few surprise visitors, they get through the day, but realize that doubting your partner isn't nearly as scary as doubting yourself.
演员:Laura Adriani 罗伯托·德·弗朗西斯科 洛里斯·德·卢纳 安东尼奥·福莱托 Biagio Manna 文森佐·内莫拉托 Saverio Picozzi Vincenzo Picozzi