Set the Thames on Fire follows struggling piano player Art (Michael Winder) and compulsive liar Sal (Max Bennett) as they embark on a string of ludicrous escapades through a dystopian London, ruled over by a grotesque and tyrannical Impresario.On their adventures they encounter a deranged Magician, played by performance artist David Hoyle, an anarchist witch (Phillips) and the Impresario’s twisted right-hand man (Fielding) leading to a final showdown with the despotic ruler himself.
演员:哈利·露易丝·琼斯 乔纳斯·达斯勒 法比安·斯图姆 Ulrica Flach 戈德哈尔德·吉瑟 玛丽-卢·塞勒姆 安妮·豪格 克努特·贝格尔 希尔德加德·斯罗德 安妮克·金·萨尔诺