人生只有一次機會,教育方式對孩子未來的影響深遠;讓孩子在家上學,是一種挑戰,也是一個不容許失敗的實驗……。本片探訪四個有著截然不同背景,卻同樣選擇自學的家庭,透過子女與家長的經驗分享,來呈現當今台灣自學現象的樣貌。追求自己孩子快樂成長,與望兒女成龍成鳳的期許是否相互矛盾呢?究竟我們該為孩子準備一個怎樣的學習環境呢?不同背景環境的家庭與不同資質的孩子如何選擇合適的教育方式?到底什麼對孩子才是最好的?This film looks at four different families – the Polish and Taiwanese CHEN-WERNIK family, the traditional ZHAN family, the LUO family, who adjusted to traditional education yet still chose homeschooling, and the MALCOLM family, who had experienced hurdles in school and found solace in a non-traditional school – and examines their backgrounds which led them all to homeschooling, their situations, and their stories.