这部纪录片的主人公是一对试图怀上宝宝的夫妻。不幸的是,丈夫因为生理原因,无法让妻子怀孕。这部影片充斥着有违传统的观念,只因为夫妻双方都太执迷于怀上一个孩子。本片中关于年龄、性和怀孕的对话,措辞有些粗俗。这部带有实验性意味的纪录片完全不顾所谓的“政治正确”,而着重于思想层面的探讨。This film is about the process of trying to have a baby with a man who is infertile. The film mixes im-moral sentiments with obsessive statements about having children. The language is strong and touches on sensitive issues regarding age, sex and pregnancy. It is like a walk in an underworld of thoughts which go beyond political correctness.