



    • 主演:未知


    Ex-soldier and author Patrick Hennessey follows the footsteps of the young Rudyard Kipling, from Lahore to the hill station of Simla.When Kipling boarded a ship to India in 1882 he was 16 years old, one of thousands of young British men and women sailing toward a strange new world that would make or break them. Kipling became the chronicler for this generation - satirising their foibles, celebrating their fortitude and using fiction to make sense of the complex moral codes that bound the rulers and the ruled, officers and subalterns and the men and women who came to India seeking love as well as fortune. By the time he returned to England seven years later, he was lionised as one of the most famous and celebrated writers in the language.By following Kipling’s path, Hennessey will tell the extraordinary story of how India changed Kipling and how he indelibly changed our image of India with his first published book, Plain Tales From The Hills - a collection of some of the most original short stories ever written.

