



    • 主演:BaoXuLiuLuZhangYanYanZhao


    A newlywed couple would love a child. At least, the man wants one. When his wife Xia is still not pregnant after a year, Dong blames her. After medical tests, it becomes apparent that there's nothing wrong with Xia. Dong has his doubts about his own fertility and starts using stimuli so he can do it more often and in this way improve the chances of getting a child. Xia thinks of a solution: she'll get pregnant by someone else. When Dong then finds out that he is infertile, there's hell to pay.In his debut, Hsu Ronin focuses on the Chinese workers who move from the countryside to the city looking for work. It's a group that is hardly taken seriously and is generally regarded as only being interested in money, marrying and having children. Hsu shows that for these people, too, love is the most important driving force.


    • Bao
    • Xu
    • Liu
    • Lu
    • Zhang
    • Yan
    • Yan
    • Zhao

