以色列编舞伊曼纽尔·盖特以久负盛名且充满历史感的巴黎皇家 宫殿为背景,通过现代舞和谈话探索双人合作的艺术形式。独特 的编舞使两名身着彩绘的舞者在面对面的互动中融为一体。在这 种双重关系中,运动、对话和环境被赋予了前所未有的重要意义。In the prestigious and historic setting of the Palais Royal in Paris, Israeli choreographer Emanuel Gat questions the form of duet through contemporary dance and dialogue. This unique choreo- graphic composition brings together two dancers with painted bodies in a virtuoso face-to-face experience. More than ever in this dual relationship, importance is given to movement, dialogue and the context in which it emerges.