




  • 主演:ChristianJacobAlexanderWeigelHolgerWinter


以“阿波罗登月计划”为蓝本,讲述了具有划时代意义的宇宙远征第一步:月球探索旅程。本片基于NASA提供的珍贵数据,结合来自ESA专家的专业知识,以精细的3D建模完美复现了登月计划的丰富细节。值得一提的是,登月后的场景是由阿波罗17号任务发回的真实图片构建而成。所有观者都能 通过本片亲历这一宏伟的人类探索历程,完成对于宇宙的无限遥想。在旅行者1号的镜头里,身处太阳系的地球也只是一块暗淡蓝斑,更不用说在海海无垠的茫茫宇宙。对于人类起源的追问、世界形成的探索永远驱使着时代潮头的精英们不断探寻。Legendary Footprints - A breathtaking journey into space following in the tracks of the Apollo missions, from the rocket launch up to their return on earth."1 st Step" is at once both a VR documentary and a fairy tale, telling the magical story of a dream come true: the Apollo missions. Experience the elevator ride as you rise up alongside the steaming rocket and then, have a look inside the cramped capsule of the command module. See the missions, from their impressive launch all the way through to their return, from a new perspective. After landing on the moon, viewers find themselves gazing at lunar panoramas - thoroughly re-created from archive photos of the former Apollo 17 mission. The astronauts, dressed in suits true to the originals, were shot in front of green screens in stereo 3D. A captivating film with photorealistic settings of exceptional richness of detail, reconstructed in 3D on basis of original NASA data and with expert advice of ESA.


  • Christian
  • Jacob
  • Alexander
  • Weigel
  • Holger
  • Winter


