We love whips, we need to worry, we don’t dare to bark, and we work tamely, faithfully and patiently like dogs. We do everything our boss asked, understanding his point brightly in no time. We are surely poor dogs, willing to act as animals and being locked in the cage of modernization. When will we have the courage to bite our bosses ruthlessly, taking off our masks, peeling off our fur, and being a group of real rabid dogs?我们热爱鞭子,我们需要撕咬,我们不敢吼叫,像狗一样工作,一样驯服,一样忠诚,一样隐忍,挥之即来,招之即去,能聪慧地领会主人的意图。我们何尝不是一条可怜狗,心甘情愿地扮演困兽,囚禁在现代化的牢笼里。什么时候我们才有勇气狠咬主人一口,脱下面具,扒下兽皮,做一条真正的疯狗。