




  • 主演:未知


In the mid-1990s there was a humorous French cartoon called Robinson Sucroe. In the cartoon, Robinson was a failed journalist for the New York Herald. Seeking a life of adventure, he desired to settle on an island and wished to write his weekly journal. After getting an okay from his boss, he sets sail and he is left on an uninhabited island (or so he thought). Robinson discovers that the island is inhabited by French and British pirates as well as the survivor of a shipwreck, who called themselves"Touléjours" (the Everydays). Robinson befriend a fellow named Mercredi (Wednesday). Robinson tries to write a colourful journal but he is incapable of doing so, instead Mercredi writes fictitious stories for him. These stories achieve much success and few suspect their authenticity.——from wikipedia Robinson Crusoe这部动画最早在法国 英国 加拿大的电视台播出,由法国和加拿大的制作公司合作制作。因为版权纠纷,打了十多年的官司。直到去年,2013年12月23日,加拿大最高法院作出终审判决the Cinar Corp赔偿Claude Robinson400万加元的损失和诉讼费用。九十年代末,卫视中文台曾经播放过,名字叫《新鲁滨逊漂流记》。


