简介:通过Dick Cavett主持的采访节目《Dick Cavett真人秀》,描绘了 关于为何美国会卷入越南战争的历史和争议。 The history and controversy of America's involvement in the Vietnam War, illustrated by interviews from "The D
通过Dick Cavett主持的采访节目《Dick Cavett真人秀》,描绘了 关于为何美国会卷入越南战争的历史和争议。 The history and controversy of America's involvement in the Vietnam War, illustrated by interviews from "The Dick Cavett Show".
通过Dick Cavett主持的采访节目《Dick Cavett真人秀》,描绘了 关于为何美国会卷入越南战争的历史和争议。 The history and controversy of America's involvement in the Vietnam War, illustrated by interviews from "The Dick Cavett Show".